Trade Lisence: TRAD/DSCC/027694/2020

Welcome to Vromon. Vromon is the name of a comprehensive online ticketing platform. We offer tickets for various bus services, Inland water transportations, domestic airlines and also best hotel room deals – all in one place.

Online ticketing is part of daily life in many developed countries and it offers a comprehensive service with both comfort and ease. We also believe in this ethos and are strongly determined to bring change with enhanced online ticketing service to all our customers.

Vromon offers both web-based and App based (android and IOS) ticketing. It is quick to download, easy to register and hassle free to use. We also have a professional support team to provide the best service to our customers in the event of any issues or technical difficulties.

We are always committed to serving the best to our customers. We believe in digital service solutions and feel proud to consider ourselves a part of a new revolution in the travel sector in Bangladesh.